5th Patient’s Voice Conference 2021

Clariness is proud to announce that its highly well received Patient´s Voice Conference will take place on March 25th 2021. Due to the pandemic, this year’s event will be held virtually. We hope this will allow even more people to have the opportunity to attend Patient’s Voice Conference. As in the past, we will have a large group of patients who will answer your questions and provide important insights on their clinical trial journey. Focus areas for this year are study participation in the time of Covid-19, participation in virtual and hybrid trials, and our new “topics of the year” segment. For the first time you, the conference participant, will determine the topics covered by the patient panel. Patients come from diverse backgrounds. We include patients with a wide range of diseases as their trial experience can be very different.
Understanding the patient is a cornerstone to a successful trial. Over the past 4 years, Clariness has connected sponsors and patients at our Patient’s Voice annual conference. The conference provides an open forum for sponsors to ask patients about their thoughts on participating in clinical trials. At our previous conferences, sponsors left with a much deeper appreciation of the challenges patients have accessing trials and hurdles they faced once enrolled. Sponsors told us that they would take this knowledge back with them and make changes to the way they conduct their trials, making them far more patient-centric.
The year 2020 sent major shockwaves through the clinical trial landscape. With countries under lock-down to stop the spread of the COVID virus and medical centers overwhelmed with patients, many trials were placed on hold. As clinical study subjects start to come back to the clinics, it is important to understand what the patient thinks about returning. Clariness surveyed over 17,000 patients from 22 countries in April 2020 to find out if COVID was affecting their willingness to participate in a clinical trial. Three-quarters of patients reported that they would continue to participate in studies, despite the pandemic. Forty-six percent of patients said that they were not worried or a little worried, while 28% reported being extremely or very worried about exposure to COVID during trial participation. Armed with patient insights, you can implement tactics that will ensure patients will feel comfortable participating in your trial.
This year, we are turning the format of the Patient´s Voice conference inside out. Although the conference will be virtual, you will still be able to speak live with our thought provoking group of patients. To provide the best experience for all, we are collecting questions in advance. You can submit questions with your registration.
The Patient’s Voice will be held on March 25th 2021. Registration is free, but virtual seats are limited, so don’t get locked out. Reserve your place today.
Want to know how we can support your patient recruitment?
Simply get in touch with one of our experts, and we will review your study’s requirements, and develop a strategy to enroll more patients.
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