How we help sponsors

We’ve delivered 25,000+ randomizations, over 100+ indications, in 50+ countries

How we help sponsors

We’ve delivered 25,000+ randomizations, over 100+ indications, in 50+ countries

Trusted by leading sponsors to deliver randomizations

We have a proven track record of delivering randomizations, that’s why 13/15 leading sponsors have trusted us to support their studies.

Delays to recruitment cost sponsors between $600K and $8M per day in lost sales, that’s why all our services are focused on accelerating enrollment, and ultimately delivering randomizations.

Since our founding in 2005, we’ve delivered 25,000+ randomizations, across 100+ indications, in 50+ countries.

Our Sponsor Portal reports with complete transparency

See how your patient funnel, media budget, and sites are performing all in one place. Our Sponsor Portal provides data on every step of the patient funnel, allows you to see your highest performing channels, which sites are screening the most patients, and more.

Understand your patient acquisition cost by channel, site and location

We measure and report on the performance of your media budget vs. referrals, identify your top performing sites, and funnel more budget into the top performing advertisements, channels, and locations, to accelerate your study’s enrollment.

Boehringer Ingelheim RCV

Hermann Novak, Regional Therapeutic Area Lead CNS, Retinopathies & Emerging Areas

Transparency of clinical trials is very important to us at Boehringer Ingelheim. With Clariness we have an experienced partner who helps us to jointly create transparency about ongoing clinical trials for patients.

Wörwag Pharma

Dr. Claudia Reule, Head of Global Clinical Research

Thanks to our partnership with Clariness, we were able to receive pre-screened referrals via their patient platform within just two weeks after signing the contract.

Large biotech company

Associate Director,​ Clinical Project Management​

Having seen the results of​ Clariness’ ClinLife platform, we​ were confident that they could provide results, but we never expected referrals to be generated within just 1 week.​

Our solutions for study organizers

Whether your study is planned, or recruiting, we have solutions to accelerate enrollment and get you to market faster.

Study feasibility

Studies that leverage patient insights typically recruit 30% more patients, through pre-identifying recruitment barriers in your study’s design.

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Patient recruitment

Having delivered 25,000+ randomizations, over 100+ indications, in 50+ countries, we know how to find and randomize patients for your study.

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Study creatives

Give your studies an identity, which boosts patient and HCP recall, and ultimately, increases referrals and participation.

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Leverage our local expertise, on a global scale

Speak to an expert to learn how we can support and scale your patient recruitment