Patient recruitment for leukemia clinical trials

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Patient recruitment for leukemia clinical trials

Need help accelerating your study?

We understand the challenges in recruiting patients with leukemia, and we’re here to provide support for your study

Navigating the complex landscape of recruiting patients with leukemia for clinical trials can present significant challenges, from stringent eligibility criteria to logistical hurdles and patient doubts. At Clariness, we recognize these obstacles and are equipped to assist you in overcoming them for your study’s success.

At Clariness, we leverage over 18 years of experience in recruiting for both oncology and rare diseases. Our expertise enables us to identify and reach the right patients using effective screening techniques. Leveraging our patient platform, ClinLife®, we’ve successfully randomized over 25,000 patients to date. 

What are the barriers in recruiting patients with Leukemia for clinical trials?

Recruiting patients with leukemia for clinical trials can present significant challenges due to the complex nature of the condition, on top of the usual barriers associated with every trial.

Here are some barriers unique to Leukemia:

  • Limited patient pool: Leukemia is relatively rare compared to other diseases, resulting in a smaller pool of eligible patients
  • Disease heterogeneity: Leukemia encompasses various subtypes, each with unique genetic mutations and clinical characteristics. Finding patients who match the specific criteria for a trial can be challenging
  • Severity and rapid progression: The aggressive nature of leukemia often means patients require immediate treatment, leaving little time for them to consider participating in a clinical trial
  • Symptom burden: Leukemia symptoms such as fatigue, infections and bleeding can significantly impact a patient’s ability to participate in a trial, either due to physical limitations or discomfort
  • Access to specialized care: Patients may need to travel long distances to access specialized leukemia treatment centers where clinical trials are conducted, posing logistical and financial challenges

Addressing these barriers requires tailored recruitment strategies, close collaboration between healthcare providers and researchers and efforts to raise awareness about the importance of clinical trials in advancing leukemia treatment.

Our strategies to overcome barriers in recruiting patients with leukemia

By focusing on the specific needs and channels frequented by patients with leukemia and their caregivers, these tailored recruitment techniques can enhance the effectiveness of patient recruitment efforts for leukemia studies.

Understanding disease dynamics

We understand the intricacies of leukemia, including its various types and associated challenges. For instance, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) predominantly affects children, necessitating recruitment strategies tailored to pediatric oncology centers and parental support groups.

Community engagement

We engage with leukemia patient communities through targeted outreach efforts. For instance, partnering with support groups or leukemia advocacy organizations to host informational sessions can facilitate direct access to potential study participants.

Utilizing digital platforms

Leverage online platforms frequented by patients with leukemia and caregivers, such as disease-specific forums, social media groups or patient advocacy websites. For example, utilizing Facebook groups dedicated to leukemia support can provide a platform for disseminating study information and recruiting participants.

Clinical collaboration

Foster collaboration with healthcare providers specializing in leukemia care to identify eligible patients. This can involve establishing referral pathways within oncology clinics or partnering with hematologists to reach potential participants receiving treatment for leukemia.

Are you ready to optimize your Leukemia study recruitment efforts?

Schedule a call with us now to tailor your recruitment strategy for success

How to encourage patients with leukemia to take part in a clinical trial?

We understand that participating in a clinical trials can offer access to cutting-edge treatments, potentially improving outcomes and quality of life, but how can you encourage patients?

  • Educating patients: Provide clear information about clinical trials to help patients and caregivers make informed decisions
  • Building trust: Foster open communication and transparency to overcome patient hesitancy and distrust
  • Reducing access barriers: Offer remote options and language services to improve access for diverse populations
  • Tailoring inclusion criteria: Collaborate with advocacy groups to ensure eligibility criteria reflect real-world patients
  • Engaging providers: Educate and incentivize healthcare providers to increase patient referrals.
  • Utilizing Technology: Use digital platforms to reach and engage with patients beyond traditional healthcare settings.

At Clariness, effective patient communication is at the heart of everything we do. Whether its through our outreach strategies, study pages, screening processes, or our interactions with patients via our dedicated in-house Enrollment Success Team.

Want to delve deeper into how we ensure meaningful connections with patients?

Are you designing a Leukemia study, or have one underway?

Contact us to discover how we can support your patient recruitment